Important message from Pharmac on change to Dexamfetamine, July 2022
Pharmac announcement
API Consumer Brands (API), a pharmaceutical supplier to Te Pātaka Whaioranga - Pharmac, has notified them of their commercial decision to close their Auckland manufacturing plant and withdraw from the New Zealand market.
API supplied around 21 funded medications in New Zealand, including the PSM brand of Dexamfetamine sulfate 5 mg tablets.
Pharmac expects the depletion of stocks of the API's PSM brand of Dexamfetamine sulfate from August 2022. Their clinical experts have advised them that an ongoing supply of Dexamfetamine is essential.
What is Pharmac doing?
Pharmac has been working with API and other suppliers to ensure as little disruption as possible for people using products developed by API.
Sponsorship of the API products was transferred to Noumed Pharmaceuticals Limited, which will continue to supply these products until a new brand enters the market. Noumed began the supply of these products on 18 July 2022.
Pharmac has listed the Aspen brand of Dexamfetamine sulfate 5 mg tablets on the Pharmaceutical Schedule from 1 August 2022.
What does this mean if you are taking dexamfetamine?
If you are currently using the PSM brand of Dexamfetamine sulfate, you will need to change to the Aspen brand, likely during August or September, to continue your treatment.
The Aspen brand of Dexamfetamine sulfate has the same active ingredient and strength as the PSM brand. However, the packaging and tablets will look different.
Pharmac acknowledges that changing this medication is not ideal, as it may be hard for some people. They are working to secure a long-term supply of Dexamfetamine sulfate 5 mg tablets.
Upon receipt of further information from Pharmac regarding Dexamfetamine, we will update this information.
API Consumer Brands (API), a pharmaceutical supplier to Te Pātaka Whaioranga - Pharmac, has notified them of their commercial decision to close their Auckland manufacturing plant and withdraw from the New Zealand market.
API supplied around 21 funded medications in New Zealand, including the PSM brand of Dexamfetamine sulfate 5 mg tablets.
Pharmac expects the depletion of stocks of the API's PSM brand of Dexamfetamine sulfate from August 2022. Their clinical experts have advised them that an ongoing supply of Dexamfetamine is essential.
What is Pharmac doing?
Pharmac has been working with API and other suppliers to ensure as little disruption as possible for people using products developed by API.
Sponsorship of the API products was transferred to Noumed Pharmaceuticals Limited, which will continue to supply these products until a new brand enters the market. Noumed began the supply of these products on 18 July 2022.
Pharmac has listed the Aspen brand of Dexamfetamine sulfate 5 mg tablets on the Pharmaceutical Schedule from 1 August 2022.
What does this mean if you are taking dexamfetamine?
If you are currently using the PSM brand of Dexamfetamine sulfate, you will need to change to the Aspen brand, likely during August or September, to continue your treatment.
The Aspen brand of Dexamfetamine sulfate has the same active ingredient and strength as the PSM brand. However, the packaging and tablets will look different.
Pharmac acknowledges that changing this medication is not ideal, as it may be hard for some people. They are working to secure a long-term supply of Dexamfetamine sulfate 5 mg tablets.
Upon receipt of further information from Pharmac regarding Dexamfetamine, we will update this information.