Getting an assessment for ADHDSee your GP
Using insurance
The specialist
When choosing your specialist
Preparing to see the specialist
ADHD assessment tools
Things to take to your meeting with your specialist
When getting assessed to find out if you have ADHD
Other information/observations they may request of you includes
While they're assessing you, or your child, they'll
Getting a diagnosis for ADHDWhen it comes to an assessment, and potentially the eventual diagnosis of ADHD, psychiatric medical doctors categorise ADHD according to a set of criteria that all appropriately trained specialist doctors and Psychologists use.
The diagnostic system used in New Zealand is called the DSM-V, and we share the use of this system with most of the English speaking world (except Europe). Once your specialist is satisfied that their review is conclusive, they’ll share their thoughts with you. This may, or may not, result in you receiving a diagnosis for ADHD. However, if you get a diagnosis that confirms you have ADHD, this can be an enormous relief as it often helps you to understand there is a reason for many of your current and past difficulties. They’ll share their thoughts with you around the diagnosis and a treatment plan to suit. |