What is ADHD?
Adults with ADHD
Children and teens with ADHD
ADHD is more common than you think
Why it's good to have ADHD
Inspiring stories from people with ADHD
News and Research on ADHD
Have you got ADHD?
Think you're an adult with ADHD?
Think your child has ADHD?
How to get a diagnosis for ADHD
Getting an assessment and diagnosis for ADHD
Self screening assessment tool for adults who suspect that they have ADHD
Succeed with ADHD
Access ADHD Healthcare Professionals
The Different Types of Healthcare Professionals
Products and Services
Join ADHD NZ's community
Managing ADHD
Families living with ADHD
Tips on how to support children with ADHD
Parent Support is a Phone Call Away
Managing ADHD at school
ADHD eLearning module FAQs for staff at primary and secondary schools
Feedback from school staff about ADHD course
ADHD in tertiary education organisations
FAQs for staff at tertiary education organisations
Feedback from staff at tertiary education organisations
Tips for adults managing life and ADHD
ADHD Support Organisations
ADHD Medication
ADHD Stimulant Medication
ADHD Non-Stimulant Medication
ADHD Anti-Depressant Medication
Vlogs and blogs on ADHD
About Us
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ADHD Ambassador
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ADHD Lived Experience Advisory Panel (LEAP) in NZ
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For investors, sponsors and donors of ADHD NZ
ADHD NZ in the news
ADHD Research Institute of New Zealand
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What is ADHD?
Adults with ADHD
Children and teens with ADHD
ADHD is more common than you think
Why it's good to have ADHD
Inspiring stories from people with ADHD
News and Research on ADHD
Have you got ADHD?
Think you're an adult with ADHD?
Think your child has ADHD?
How to get a diagnosis for ADHD
Getting an assessment and diagnosis for ADHD
Self screening assessment tool for adults who suspect that they have ADHD
Succeed with ADHD
Access ADHD Healthcare Professionals
The Different Types of Healthcare Professionals
Products and Services
Join ADHD NZ's community
Managing ADHD
Families living with ADHD
Tips on how to support children with ADHD
Parent Support is a Phone Call Away
Managing ADHD at school
ADHD eLearning module FAQs for staff at primary and secondary schools
Feedback from school staff about ADHD course
ADHD in tertiary education organisations
FAQs for staff at tertiary education organisations
Feedback from staff at tertiary education organisations
Tips for adults managing life and ADHD
ADHD Support Organisations
ADHD Medication
ADHD Stimulant Medication
ADHD Non-Stimulant Medication
ADHD Anti-Depressant Medication
Vlogs and blogs on ADHD
About Us
Our People
ADHD Ambassador
Help Us By Volunteering
ADHD Lived Experience Advisory Panel (LEAP) in NZ
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For investors, sponsors and donors of ADHD NZ
ADHD NZ in the news
ADHD Research Institute of New Zealand
Contact Us
Vlogs and blogs on ADHD
Tips for an ADHD Family Christmas
Build a Better Relationship with Food to Benefit your Brain
Sonia Grey's Second Season of her amazing Podcast "No Such Thing as Normal"
Julie Legg, author and ADHD advocate, along with husband Jel Legg, with their awesome Podcast series "ADHDifference"
Interesting Books and Resources
Annual Adults with ADHD 2023 Survey
20 tips and tricks for staying organised at home
Home Neat Home
ADHD support in schools
What has Sonia Gray's podcast series got to do with ADHD?
Here are ten ideas for adults with ADHD to stay busy when it's cold outside
Find out how we're helping to upskill professionals with AADPA
Find out why we love Cookie Time
What changes would we like to make to the special authority renewal process?
Check out our ten ideas for activities to do with your children this winter
Pharmac funding aligns with three-month ADHD medication prescriptions
What happened with our submission to Stats NZ about their Disability Survey?
Australia has a new ADHD guideline for clinicians – does it apply in NZ?
Manage your ADHD symptoms with these seven nutritional tips
Watch the sessions at our 24-hour Global Conference
E-learning modules available for staff at tertiary education organisations
Special Authority expiring and can’t get to a specialist in time?
ADHD submission to Stats NZ's long-term insights briefing consultation
Hyperfocus discussed at Parliamentary hui facilitated by ADHD NZ
ADHD NZ Parliamentary Hui, August 2022
Keen to hear what other adults with ADHD said in our survey?
Important Pharmac message regarding Dexamfetamine change, July 2022
Callum McKirdy on You, Me and ADHD
ADHD in teenagers - our stories
Brett's blog: "What am I being told?"
The messy student's guide to order: ADHD organising tips
Brett's blog: "Am I giving myself enough credit?"
Brett's blog: "What are my intentions?"
Brett's blog: "What am I telling myself?"
ADHD NZ: past, present and strategy for 2021-2026
Brett's blog: "What am I actually doing?"
What did we do for ADHD Awareness Month in during lockdown in 2021?
Survey for adults with ADHD
Share these classroom strategies with your child's teachers
Promote academic focus with mindfulness
How to maintain trust when you’re not always face-to-face
A day in my life as the National Coordinator for ADHD NZ
Venting in an online world - find out how to do it safely here
Paula Tesoreiro, Human Rights Commissioner, on ADHD
Find out what medication can, and can't, help (6 mins)
ADHD at work - know your employment rights
Help us manage our Facebook groups
How to get your ADHD brain into a routine to get stuff done.
Wellington Airport help people with ADHD: 10 December 2020
Katie Harris shares her ADHD story (4 mins)
The Lost Generation of ADHD: those who weren't diagnosed as children
Survey for families with children with ADHD
How can we better help you?
Digital treatment of ADHD gets FDA clearance
Dates for Strattera brand delisting
We want to know if you're OK in COVID-19's lock down
10 tips for ADHD'rs wanting to work productively from home (5 mins)
10 tips for taking care of your children while they're at home
Find out how to manage work and your children on an hourly basis
What’s the best exercise to manage ADHD symptoms?
Understanding anxiety
15 good jobs for people with ADHD
Avoiding the "S" word
Back to school with ADHD
My eight step plan for a holly jolly holiday
Waiting for Christmas is ADHD torture
Farewell to Marceline
ADHD NZ is 40 years young
Bird's Eye!
Why neurodiversity presents job opportunities
And the ADHD logo design winner is...
Calling all readers
How to be mindful of your emotions and respond accordingly
ADHD and an unusual sense of fairness
Differently Wired - raising an exceptional child in a conventional world
What's your super power?
Congratulations to ADHD's marathon fundraisers
Succeeding with ADHD as an adult
How to manage your child's meltdowns
How to help chaotic, dreamy, inattentive kids
Petra Leary shortlisted for ZEISS Photography Award
Suspected ADHD cases put pressure on mental health services
3 tips for listening to anger
How to write with ADHD
Child disability allowance in NZ
Memory Craft - train your ADHD brain
Pharmac decision on atomoxetine
Tips for teaching kids with ADHD
'Digital medicine' may help children with ASD and co-occurring ADHD
Where are the nutrients for mental health?
Is ADHD due to lack of sunlight?
Differing brain structures for those with ADHD
What is ADHD?
Adults with ADHD
Children and teens with ADHD
ADHD is more common than you think
Why it's good to have ADHD
Inspiring stories from people with ADHD
News and Research on ADHD
Have you got ADHD?
Think you're an adult with ADHD?
Think your child has ADHD?
How to get a diagnosis for ADHD
Getting an assessment and diagnosis for ADHD
Self screening assessment tool for adults who suspect that they have ADHD
Succeed with ADHD
Access ADHD Healthcare Professionals
The Different Types of Healthcare Professionals
Products and Services
Join ADHD NZ's community
Managing ADHD
Families living with ADHD
Tips on how to support children with ADHD
Parent Support is a Phone Call Away
Managing ADHD at school
ADHD eLearning module FAQs for staff at primary and secondary schools
Feedback from school staff about ADHD course
ADHD in tertiary education organisations
FAQs for staff at tertiary education organisations
Feedback from staff at tertiary education organisations
Tips for adults managing life and ADHD
ADHD Support Organisations
ADHD Medication
ADHD Stimulant Medication
ADHD Non-Stimulant Medication
ADHD Anti-Depressant Medication
Vlogs and blogs on ADHD
About Us
Our People
ADHD Ambassador
Help Us By Volunteering
ADHD Lived Experience Advisory Panel (LEAP) in NZ
Donate now
For investors, sponsors and donors of ADHD NZ
ADHD NZ in the news
ADHD Research Institute of New Zealand
Contact Us