Thanks so much for your interest and support.
Next steps
We'll email you a Teams meeting invitation to confirm the date/time, as soon as we can. We will start on the hour, and will take no longer than one hour. This invite will include an online link to our meeting. Introduction
Our goal is to develop a toolkit of resources and an ongoing programme that will build your understanding of how to support students with ADHD. To help us understand the challenges you have and what support you'd ideally have, please have a think about, and come prepared to share:
Who will be there?
There are likely to be two people from the team at ADHD NZ:
* We may also record the audio of this session. This is so that we don’t miss anything important and so that we can go back and revisit the information if we need to. Housekeeping
As far as the focus groups are concerned, there are a few “ground rules”: