Why routines are more helpful that new years' resolutions
If you've already changed or broken your new years' resolutions - don't worry. list done. Even with our ADHD brains there are still ways that we can tick off the things we think about doing, but always seem to find something more interesting to do.
If you were able to come to our 2018 conference, you'll remember our How to ADHD YouTube personality Jessica McCabe.
To help us kick start our new year Jessica has put a video together on why routines are more helpful that new years' resolutions. It also shares some tips on how to create those habits to help us get things done.
Go forth and conquer!
If you were able to come to our 2018 conference, you'll remember our How to ADHD YouTube personality Jessica McCabe.
To help us kick start our new year Jessica has put a video together on why routines are more helpful that new years' resolutions. It also shares some tips on how to create those habits to help us get things done.
Go forth and conquer!