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3. Optimising outcomes for learners with ADHD
“People with ADHD tend to be our most creative people. They are our entrepreneurs, our inventors, our Olympians, our CEOs, our artists, our risk-takers” - Nancy Armstrong, Executive Producer of "The Disruptors", a 2022 documentary about ADHD.*
In this module, you'll:
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In this module, you'll:
- understand how the working memory of learners with ADHD performs to optimise their productivity, and
- hear tips from post-graduate learners with ADHD, and tertiary staff, on successful strategies that they employed.
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3. Optimising outcomes for learners with ADHD.
* find out more about The Disruptors film.
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1. Understanding learners with ADHD.
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2. Effectively engaging learners with ADHD.
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4. Developing inclusive lessons and integrated learning strategies.